Sunday, May 3, 2009

Greetings From Blytheville!!

What do you mean you don't know where Blytheville, AR is ...?!?!?!

It's only the best place in the world on route to Texas, bitches!!

Ok - maybe not.  But it's where I've decided to lay my weary head for some rest this evening. 

I have made great time and I'll actually have quite a bit to burn as I only have about 8 hours of driving to get to Fort Worth and I don't *have* to be there until Tuesday at 5pm.

Hopefully the sun will come out tomorrow and maybe I can get some pics.

There is something great about road trips - I have a love / hate relationship with them though.  It gives me great time to get in my own head and really work things out.  The problem is when I get in there - it's a pretty scary fucking place.  There were a couple of occasions that I almost drove off the road it scared me so much!

In all honesty though - it gave me some time to think about things in my life, I jotted down some ideas for a couple songs (actually I'm about 75% done the lyrics on the first one as I started to write it as soon as I got in the hotel) and hey - where else can you see a plethora of fireworks and porn shops other than along the side of any american highway!!  I always laugh because the porn shops are much busier than the fireworks stores... wonder why?  :)

I'm going to open up a combination fireworks / porn shop and blow the world's mind!!!

I think I might call it "Whack Attack at the Boom Boom Shack".  I'm not sure that I should have typed that...

You think differently of me now, don't you? 

I know what you're saying - "Jason - you're on a computer, edits are pretty easy dude!"

You're wrong!  Many years ago, in a network segment far, far away, I told myself that when I blogged I would just let it flow.  Whatever came out, came out and stayed out.

I've kinda hosed myself on that one... maybe I can get really drunk tonight and convince myself otherwise.... until then - my insanity is for your enjoyment.

You know that there is going to have to come a day when I'm going to have to delete this shit, right?

Yeah... well - it's not today....

If you're one of the priveledged few to have my number - you should hit me up via text or give me a call... I'm pretty bored.... I'm in fuckin' Blytheville!!!!