It's basically a collage of things that I've experienced / learned this week. It's a decent collage though - not like the paper mache (pronounced : "mash", "ay") collages that you used to make in grade school and you'd totally be all proud, but they never made it home in one piece. What a waste of time. And if it was raining.... well good luck, you ended up with a ball of goop and handed to your parents and said "there you go - I did all this for you... hope you enjoy this ball of goopy shit!" as you stormed up to your room.
Dating sucks. That's what I've learned so far... but when you're down, you're friends are there, right? While having a conversation with someone who shall remain nameless I mentioned that I felt a bit weird with someone closer to my age, that I just felt that we were at a different maturity level, to which this person says, "Well, you can't date eleven year olds".... yeah... I told them I would post this - it was line of the night! Good work - you! Thanks for the support... LOL.
I started French courses. This might not be weird for most people, but it is for me - I'm French Canadian for christ's sake! I do know a bit of French, but my company covers Rosetta Stone classes for free - so I'm taking French and damn it, I'm going to be speaking it by the end of the year!
Guitar lessons are going well, I've been practicing almost daily and I'm now singing along while slowly playing "Knockin' On Heaven's Door".... it feels good.
UFC event this weekend... should be quite interesting. Not sure if I'm going to stay home of if I'm going to head out and try and interact with other humans... we'll see - I'm not that social of a person so I may just stay home.
I also have a lot of reading to do this weekend... and I'm almost looking forward to it. :)